Wednesday, September 19, 2007


At long last, the Tamagotchi PC Pack with v4.5 Tamagotchi is available. (I'm sure I'll be told, I'm behind the curve here a bit, but I just found out.) My work line up includes the Itchigotchi and Mametchi in-the-lab screen saver, and the on-stage performances of Itchigotchi, Memetchi, and Violetchi. Each character responds to your voice commands!
After you get your PC Pack, you'll get a password that will enable you to enter TamaTown!
Image from the Toys R Us website. Used without permission.


Anonymous said...

jim were did you get this pc pack for tamagotchis from cos it is so cool and so is the passage on the home page


rancie11 said...

The PC pack should still be available from Toys R Us. It's a lot of fun.